The mysterious man of the night,  was  it a dream? or was a fantasy ? Either way, it wasn’t reality. He came to me in the break of the moonlight before the hour was at its darkest and  only the silent sounds of the sea washed up on the shores of the sand . I sat there awaiting the chill of the first morning breeze . In came this tall , toned caramel man , gracefully making his way towards me . It was like we  were connected as if he could feel me as I felt him. looking behind me just make sure it was me he was coming to see and it wasn’t in my mind . Angling my direction back to him only to see him standing right in front of me smiling as he gazed deeply into my big hazel eyes . I said to him “why are you smiling?” He replied, “because you are so beautiful and I saw you here sitting on the beach by yourself and I was wondering if you were o.k .”  I told him without even thinking that I was waiting for him … he flushed and blushed  then smiled again. When I realized what I  had said I tried not to panic , because I probably just said  the most ridiculous or corniest thing in the book , then I flushed . He gently caressed my face put his fingers under my chin, my eyes locked in his ,  he rest his is soft lips on my cheeks I could feel the warmth of breath making its way down to my lips, he  gently pecked me on my pink wet lower lip and whispered he was waiting for me too.

I stepped back looked at him , realized that we were  eyeing each other the whole night.  We were in the most beautiful place in the world and this tempting man of the night wanted nothing more than to have me , but it wasn’t in my nature to give in so easily because I was a logical girl , not the one-night stand type . My senses were tingling from all corners of my body and I couldn’t think straight maybe too much wine or maybe too much desire of not having it makes me want to have it . I leaned forward and I kissed him passionately and his hands pressed into my back , my hands around his neck as my body began to vibrate in pleasure as  I felt butterflies in my tummy , I braced off and pushed him away and told him no and ran away into the darkness using the moon to guide me back from whence I came. I awoke pretty disappointed but I could understand why I did it . can you?IMG_8053