

The inner me



I am a woman of nature and through my knowledge of it I use it to travel the world and get my inspriations to write how the inner me feels .

The life


Today 2019 I see myself flourishing in my own needs to grow , I have to say it’s working .

To all of you whom had hardships thus far don’t fear as long as you have courage and the will to get up and fight a next day you succumb to  all your inner most desirable ambitions in life .

The journey to the goal is never easy but it’s the journey that what makes the goal more sweeter and also the most memorable. In some cases one might argue that it is the journey is the excitement of it all and the goal nothing but an ending to a great race . Which ever way you see it make sure to enjoy it either way …. one life !



Coming back

As this fresh New Year approaches her dawn I’m wondering to myself is this me ? Am I the same Amanda we all knew and loved ? Or am I reformed in a way I need not know myself any more ?

Questions , questions I ask time and time again . Is new form filled with doubt or more courageous in what I have been up to or going to do in this future of 2019.

Decisions, decisions . Do I still lust off the same same energy I once have or do I still crave for new up bringings ? Am I trapped in between worlds or is it just in my mind ?

The truth is we are left to figure what is well for us and what we must seek to do in our own right mind but it’s not so much about the destination it is about the journey of ones mortal life . That my friend , just that, is worth living . It’s just for us , Me , YOU to go after it .

Happy 2019. Welcome back A.Fisher

It’s Not OK !



It’s not ok to touch childern , an young girl  and  a woman in a ways that she did not give permission to do so!

Im sure you were born from a woman,  A MOTHER ! which carried you for 9 whole months could have killed you from the moment she found out she was pregnant but she didn’t she kept you and slept restlessly with you lying on her uterus causing her to get up in the night at all hours no rest , she probably was on her path in school and boom you happen .


She stood by you for ever so long even  after those nine months she wipe your nose when you’re sick , send you to school , feed you ! Scareficed herself just for you !!!! If you didn’t have the joys of having a mother around she still bought life into you , let you see this world ! And how you repay her ? By slaughtering women ? Prey on the weak and innocent ? What kind of sick twisted beast are you ?

Do you deserve to live ? Hoooooooow do you sleep at night savage man ? Hooow ? Explain to me . Arnt you haunted by the screams of your victims?  The  shadows of their death that walk beside you .. hooow do you eat ? Knowing that you have just butchered someone and threw her in a barrel ? Are you alive in there ? Do you look like us ?

Savage man beast of the weak I got a message for you . The  tables will turn and evil men like you never will rest for an eternity of fire is waiting for you and you shall not feel the kiss of the sun and the light of day or the fresh air that blows through the grass! You will never know happiness because you are doom to feel  the imperial wrath  of the inflicting pain you have caused on the innocent for it’s not set by me but a means higher than a human being and that’s a promise.

Things To Include In Your Budget For 2017 That Are Absolutely Worth The Money

As 2016 comes to a close, people begin prepping for 2017 with new goals, to-do lists, and updated budgets. While it’s great to cut back the spending and save, there are a few items that you should include in your budget that will actually make your life better.


Travel is one investment that’s always worthwhile. Life is too short to keep your wanderlust on hold. This year, incorporate a great road trip or destination vacation into your 2017 budget. First, pick a location and book your travel accommodations. This gives you something to look forward to during the mundane work weeks and can even improve your creativity. When your vacation date arrives, set out, explore the city, photograph like crazy, eat great food, and come home happier and filled with rich experiences.


Adding a furry friend to your home can provide several benefits. When you have a pet, you have an automatic best friend. Pets teach you how to take care of someone besides yourself and give you unconditional love. Owning a pet can also make you healthier; studies show that people with pets generally have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. Pets will make your life infinitely better in 2017.


Education is an ongoing process. Just because you’ve received your diploma doesn’t mean you have finished your education. This year, allot a portion of your budget for a class. Sign up for a language or art course at your local community college, take a dance or fitness class at a nearby recreation center, or learn a new skill like Photoshop or Excel. Find something that interests you and sign up to learn in 2017. It’ll expand your interests, make you more marketable and give you something to discuss at parties.

High Tech Home

Because we live in a tech-driven world, it’s only fitting that we begin to outfit our homes with smart features that can be controlled via smart phone or tablet. This year, consider investing in home automation features that allow you to remotely control everything from your thermostat, sprinklers, and lights to your coffee maker and blinds. Investing in tech saves you time, keeps you organized, and can even help you save money.


Losing weight and staying fit are among the top three New Year’s resolutions people make each year. Accomplish this goal once and for all and invest in a gym membership, fitness classes, or home-workout equipment. While all of these require an upfront cost, the long-term benefits are clear. Living a healthy lifestyle can lengthen your life, decrease stress, and increase energy—making you safer and happier in 2017.

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Inside Disney World’s new private cabanas


161206165240-disney-cabanas-super-teaseDisney worlds new luxury private cabanas include electronic charging stations, a mini fridge and desserts. enjoy the sight.




Sometimes I wonder in so many words less or more , what would my life be like?  if I wasn’t here now born in this century  or experience this world as it is today .

Would I be black , brown or white , albino even ? Although in my youngest years in primary school I use to have this problem for fitting in . They use to call me the odd one out or  the Jamaican term “Dundus” which stands for albino. Harsh and mean at the time .

That’s what I get for being lighter than most my class , with strong thick golden hair and With bright hazel eyes. Being tall and having my crush shorter than me .

Wished everyday to be darker , a little shorter. A lot of these things now I realize are worshipped by the present days society that I didn’t want. Such is life .

Maybe me wishing and wondering for , if and how my life would be is a repetition of what I did in primary school . Waste of space in the brain . Nothing is done  before it’s time I always say , so I plan on making a run with it and use the time wisely .

Do not dwell on the past and expect life to change for you , if you do that a next supermoon will just pass you by and you won’t even notice . Be a doer ! Live now . If something is not meant to be let it go and keep moving forward ! We waste our time on silly things like colors of our skin and wars for power. When we don’t realize we are just a cycle . We will die and someone else will take over . How do you choose to live yours?  I  choose to be happy .


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Super moon


What am I ? Am I a gazer that wishes that I could see more than what meets the eye ?

I lied in the settled grass the wind brush against my face , I thought about the places I’ve been, the people I have met and how in some weird way  I am being watch and guided by this light of pure goodness

I’m left to believe I am a lost godest who doesn’t know who or what I  am. left wondering the plague of this harsh life; reality . In some way I made a narrow line through it all . I’ve heard before I am Queen of integrity, love and passion , yet I’ve come to realize that I’m more spontaneous open to what is out there . My curiosity is what becomes me and I describe it as a once in a decade type of person a ( super moon ) . You don’t come across such Goodness , such purity and selfless soul such days . So when people ever get the chance to glance , breathe and walk beside Such joy that is bestowed on one person it’s a blessing in disguise.



Proprium ( noun) its formal known for a next word for own , meaning a nonessential property common to all the members of a class; attribute according to the online dictionary.  Do we actually give enough credit to own selves or do we sit around hasting  to listen in every critizing comment that has been sent out to torcher our way of thinking what is right and wrong about our body?

I believe everyone is born a unique way and they there own talents , ways and means to give meaning to this life,  I never try to think one way to things other than to express how I feel about a certain situation , which is my God given right to do as in others whether it is negitive or positive .

On that note I support a woman or man expressing themselves to ever they seem fit to show it to , maybe we might learn from it or we might not but we shuldnt banish a person for his beliefs because we want it a certain way  or think the way we do. If the world was  thought one way we would never evolve from this new way of thinking that we apart of in these present times.

Yes we do still have  a lot to learn but at the same time there isn’t any ( I ) in team and no matter how much we try to toy around with it and think we can do this alone . WE just might find it difficult in the end , then we , inturn say how much we could be less boisterous and admit the stubborn truth that we in fact need each other to survive.


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