
What am I ? Am I a gazer that wishes that I could see more than what meets the eye ?

I lied in the settled grass the wind brush against my face , I thought about the places I’ve been, the people I have met and how in some weird way  I am being watch and guided by this light of pure goodness

I’m left to believe I am a lost godest who doesn’t know who or what I  am. left wondering the plague of this harsh life; reality . In some way I made a narrow line through it all . I’ve heard before I am Queen of integrity, love and passion , yet I’ve come to realize that I’m more spontaneous open to what is out there . My curiosity is what becomes me and I describe it as a once in a decade type of person a ( super moon ) . You don’t come across such Goodness , such purity and selfless soul such days . So when people ever get the chance to glance , breathe and walk beside Such joy that is bestowed on one person it’s a blessing in disguise.